Quarantine Training Log
By Day 4 of quarantine my new reality was setting in. I was feeling bad for myself because I couldn’t train how I wanted to, therefore leaving me with zero motivation to do anything active, and all of the guilt from sitting around and eating. After talking with my friends and reflecting on the feels, I came to a few realizations.
Without being able to train, coupled with the high stress of a pandemic, I was headed towards an anxiety and depression ridden spiral, fueled by constant body guilt/food guilt.
I felt dumb, awkward, and embarrassed just thinking about working out at home - which then led me to imposter syndrome. How could I teach classes & train 12+ hours a week, but give up so quickly at home? How could I be embarrassed about my partner seeing me workout, when I train in public all the time? Am I even worthy of being a “fitness professional” if I can’t exercise without being at the gym?
The gym helps me escape from the never ending chatter in my head - a place with no other distractions (except dance breaks). Working out in my living room did not have the same effect. I felt awkward and out of place, like my furniture and my pets and my plants were all judging me. I figured out that it wasn’t just about training, it was about having somewhere *to go* to train.
Project Home Gym
#1 Make a space - A place where I feel mentally and physically ready to exercise.✔ Clear out corner in spare bedroom✔ Organize and set up equipment✔ Arrange plants and roll out yoga mat
(Note: Use whatever you have, even if it's just a yoga mat or towel. The physical space is what counts.)
#2 Make a plan - A routine that makes exercising at home feel more natural.✔ Workout with @toddhamer1 at 12p to warm up✔ Workout on my own for an additional 30 minutes✔ Document the workout on my calendar (and by not-so-humble bragging about it to my training partners, that I miss dearly)
#3 Make friends - People who can hold you accountable and support you.✔ Sara, Nicole, Molly, Terry, & Maggie (Sry not sry for the workout texts)✔ Ham the man #weekdaywarriors✔ Myself (Minimize negative talk. Give myself grace because it is okay if I gain weight, miss a workout, etc.)
After completing “Project Home Gym” and reflecting on how to write this blog, I realized that I wasn’t the blob, failure, or imposter that I felt like during Week 1 of quarantine. Writing things down helps me feel like I have accomplished something (see #2 - Make a plan), so here is my training log for the first week of quarantine.
Day 1
Live Instagram workout with Todd Hamer
Day 2
Day 3
Quick barbell session at ASCEND (praise!)
Day 4
Hike with partner and doggies (Non-life sustaining businesses ordered to close)
Day 5
(Set up home gym space) Live IG w/ Todd Hamer + on my own workout
Day 6
Live IG w/ Todd Hamer + on my own workout
Day 7
Live IG w/ Todd Hamer + on my own workout (Set up indoor bike trainer)
If you are looking for some ideas, here’s what I did on my own:
Day 5
20*-15*-10*-5 Squat+lungeJumping LungeJump SquatMtn ClimberInchworm in place (no push up)
*After round 20s
25 Sit-ups
25 Flutter Kicks (4count)
25 Sit-ups
25 Leg Raises
*After round 15s
25 Sit-ups
25 Scissor Kick (4 count)
25 Sit-ups
25 Crunches
*After round 10s
25 Sit-ups
25 Russian Twist (4 count)
25 Sit-ups
25 Bicycler’s (4 count)
Day 6
3X10 KB RDL 35# per hand
10 KB Floor press 35# per hand10 KB overhead leg raises 25#10 KB around the world per side 25#
* Iso Interlude of:30 plank:30 boat:30 superpeople hold:30 wall sit
3X10 curls 10# per10 FR squats10 OHP10 suitcase lunge (total)
Day 7
5-10-15-20-15-10-5Squat jumpsMtn climberKB swing (35#)Russian TwistBanded glute bridge
Day 8 ***Today 3/23 Warm up with Todd Hammer (it was a hard one today) Sara challenged me to 100 burpees for time. I got it done in 7:51! Give it a try and post your time here!
Looking for workout ideas? Looking for a friend? Looking for things to pass the time?
Feel free to follow me on Instagram, where I will definitely be posting pet photos, food I’m making, books I’m reading, and endless memes. Shameless self promotion, but also genuinely here to provide support in these weird times. @catlyn_b