
Bending the rules is sometimes cool, but not when it comes to the American legal system! Please help ASCEND perform its due diligence in providing spaces and programs for all to enjoy for years to come.

English Waiver

All visitors of ASCEND - whether climbing, taking a yoga class, working out, or merely spectating - must complete this waiver before entering.

Acuerdo Español

Todos los visitantes de ASCEND, ya sea que estén escalando, tomando una clase de yoga, haciendo ejercicio o simplemente como espectadores, deben completar esta exención antes de ingresar.

Outdoor Programs Waiver

Going climbing outside with us? Please give this a read and your signature.

Clubs Waiver

Participating in an ASCEND club or off-site event, like Run Club or Cycling Club? Please give this a read and your signature.