Mega Member Perk - November 2023

Check-In Challenge



LILY COEN WON A FREE YEAR MEMBERSHIP! Lily was randomly selected amongst EVERYONE who checked in this past month. Incredible work, Lily!


The following members have attained SUPER MEMBER STATUS by checking in 29 or more times during the month of November. In order to maximize the fun at the Super Member Celebratory Event on Monday, December 4, we're also inviting a few of the next top performers. Emails coming soon!

Katie Brosky, Cullen Maag, Trevor McCauley, Kathleen Zaydak, Nancy Tran, Seth Sacchi, Jeffrey Harding, Luke Radzanowski, Christina Caldwell, Megan McGinnis, Bryonna Crowley, Pedro Tresgallo, Tom Gordon, Christopher Cooley, and David Hodas!


These members had the most check-ins at each location, and all win one month of membership!

  • ERIE: Bryonna Crowley AND Pedro Tresgallo - 30 check-ins each

  • SOUTH SIDE: Katie Brosky - 35 check-ins

  • POINT BREEZE: Cullen Maag - 38 check-ins

  • YOUNGSTOWN: Bryce Oller - 22 check-ins


The top three members who check-in the most overall will win:

  • #1 CRASH PAD (Organic Simple Pad)#1 CRASH PAD (Organic Simple Pad)

    • Katie Brosky - 51 check-ins

  • #2 CLIMBING SHOES (your choice)

    • Cullen Maag - 46 check-ins

  • #3 CLIMBING ROPE (40 meter)

    • Trevor McCauley - 39 check-ins


November is member check-in challenge month! Simply by being a member and checking in just one time you get a chance to win, but... you could do so much more...

CHALLENGE 1: Each check-in is one entry toward winning a FREE year membership! The more you check-in, the more entries you get, which will increase your chances of being the lucky ASCEND member to be randomly selected.

CHALLENGE 2: Check-in 29 times or more in the month to achieve Super Member status and to receive $20 of store credit to spend on anything you'd like! You'll also be invited to an ASCEND Super Member Celebratory Event on Monday, December 4, at 7p, at Velum Fermentation (PGH), Lavery Brewing (Erie), and Birdfish Brewing (Youngstown). Your first beer is on us!

CHALLENGE 3: The member with the most check-ins at each location will win one month of membership!

CHALLENGE 4: The top three members who check-in the most overall will win:

  1. #1 CRASH PAD (Organic Simple Pad)

  2. #2 CLIMBING SHOES (your choice)

  3. #3 CLIMBING ROPE (40 meter)


  1. If you check-in and immediately leave, you're cheating. You have to use the space in some meaningful fashion. At a minimum, you could stretch for 30 mins, buy a snack, or plan an upcoming trip in the lounge with some friends... be an active part of the community!

  2. Yoga, fitness, slackline, climbing classes, team, personal training, ACT, and club meetups, all count as a check-in, provided that you formally reserve a spot in our system. This is the only way to get two check-ins in a single day. To do so, you would also need to check-in as a member like normal and make use of the facility in a meaningful way outside of the event you attended. You can confirm your daily check-ins with the front desk.

  3. Checking in at multiple locations in the same day will not yield an additional check-in.

  4. Other than CHALLENGE 3, your check-ins at all locations will pool into your total.